The Redneck Comedy Bus Tour

The Redneck Comedy Bus Tour – Laugh It Up While Exploring the Smoky Mountains
Local Expert's Rating:
4.5 / 5
The Bottom Line:

How much fun can you possibly have while traveling on an old school bus through the Great Smoky Mountains? The answer is a metric ton if it’s operated by the geniuses at the Redneck Comedy Bus Tour. This group brings endless jokes and hilarity to the forefront of your travels while showing you just why everyone loves the Smokies.

- The Local Expert Team

When you join the fun at the Redneck Comedy Bus Tour, you get the see the magic of the Great Smoky Mountains while having a roaringly good time. From the second you hop on the bus at Cooter’s Place in Pigeon Forge, they’ll send joke after joke your way, keeping you rolling while moving through the hills.

On this trip, an old, camouflaged school bus will serve as your noble steed, complete with a pair of enormous bull horns at the front. The bus fills up fast, putting your elbow to elbow with fellow guests, but that just amps up the fun even more. As the hilarious jokes come your way, everyone’s laughter proves contagious and takes the experience to the next level.

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The Redneck Comedy Bus Tour lasts about 90 minutes to two hours, depending on traffic and other factors. Halfway through, they’ll pull up to a rest stop where you can stretch your legs, relieve your bladder, and enjoy a few refreshments.

What to expect along the way:

Comfortable Seating
While it might just look like an old, camouflaged school bus on the outside, the inside has been updated with a climate control system to provide the ultimate comfort. With the heating and air conditioning on tap, you can focus on the jokes and awesome sights all around.

Lots of Laughs
As you travel through the Great Smoky Mountains, expect to laugh yourself silly at all the jokes. The host of the Redneck Comedy Bus Tour makes it their mission to educate you on everything you could ever want to know about Dolly’s Hills while keeping you roaring with laughter. Expect to learn all about Mountain Dew, mullets, and moonshine, just to name a few things.

VIP Moonshine Tasting
Speaking of moonshine, you can get a taste during the 15-minute stop at the Ole Smoky Moonshine Holler. Their complimentary tasting gives you a chance to experience the magic for yourself. Just don’t let yourself get too swept up in the excitement that you miss your chance for a quick bathroom break before you hit the road again.

Beautiful Sights
Although you’ll spend the whole time howling with laughter, make sure to quickly wipe the tears out of your eyes so you don’t miss the spectacular view. The Smokies are full of gorgeous scenery that you’ll want to take in with wide eyes every second of the ride. Between the rolling hills and tall peaks, you can catch wildlife flitting about, flowers blooming, and so much more.

If you’re ready to see the Smokies in a whole new light, reserve your spot online. Before you finalize your plans, ask a few friends if they’d like to join you. Otherwise, they might miss out since the seats fill up really fast. On the big day, you’ll want to bring your reservation paperwork to the boarding spot at Cooter’s Place. Remember to bring along your sense of humor as well to make the most of your tour experience.

Insider Tips:
– On this family-friendly Redneck Comedy Bus Tour, they let kids under the age of four rides for free. They’ll need to ride on your lap to qualify for a free seat, however.
– Discounts on tickets are available for old-timers over age 60, kids 12 and under, and groups of 12 or more.
– When bringing kids along, expect a cable TV level of sassiness that they smartly dub “Rated PG-14.”
– Although tips are not required, throwing a few bucks in for gas is greatly appreciated. It takes a lot to move that camo school bus through the hills, after all.